Author: Douglas Hayler

New Sensory Room at The Point

Sensory Room

A new sensory room has been opened at the point funded by local people

A new sensory room has been created from one of the former PC rooms. A sensory room allows members (and sometimes carers and staff!) a place to relax and settle. Or, perhaps, the opposite with the lighting and sounds and experiences may stimulate and cheer. It has certainly been very popular in its embryo stages and will be well used when we are back to the new normal. Funding for equipment has been generously raised by Edward Cooke, the local law firm and the local Masonic Lodges. We are grateful to them all.

Coronavirus at The Point

About The Point

Point reopens for the second time. The good work started under the first lockdown continues at last. There are no trips out but members and carers are back in the centre.

The Centre closed on the 19 th March owing to the Coronavirus. The centre staff worked from home and operated an outreach service for members, carers and families. This involved help and advice, contact through telephone calls and using Zoom and Skype and practical assistance where possible. After a false start in early August the centre was allowed to reopen on 18 th August using a comprehensive plan to maintain hygiene and social distancing. The system of 3 “bubbles” worked well and many members and carers were able to attend.

The second lockdown began on 4th November and the centre wasclosed again. Once again the staff are retained largely owing to the generosity of members and families. The centre reopened on 3 rd December for the second time and resumes a limited service to members and our community.

The advice below is still sensible and the centre follows the highest possible procedures under Covid advice. Casual visitors to the centre are not encouraged at the moment but all visitors will be required to allow a temperature check and use hand sanitiser and wear a mask.

Dear Members, Parents and Carers, 3/3/2020

RE: Coronavirus guidance from Public Health England

As a precautionary measure, we would like to share with you the current NHS advice on the Corona Virus or COVID-19 illness, which as a Day Centre we are following. However, this advice is being updated frequently and updates can be found using the following links to ensure you access the most up to date advice and guidance:

Advice updated as of 29th February 2020.

The risk is still relatively low for individuals but we wanted to share this information via the internet links with you so that we can remain vigilant as a community.

In the meantime, At The Point we are encouraging all our Members, Carers, Staff, & Visitors to continue to keep up the principle of basic hygiene and remember some of the basic principles which help stop similar viruses from spreading. I would encourage members, parents and carers to try and reinforce this behaviour at home.


· use our hand sanitizer upon entry

· cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

·put used tissues in the bin immediately

· wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitizer gel if soap and water are not available

· try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell

·Inform us immediately if you believe you’ve had close contact with anyone who may be carrying the virus.

Do not

· touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

·do not come to centre if your poorly.

– Do Not come in to the centre if you believe you may of had close contact with anyone who may be carrying the virus.

Should there be further guidance , we will of course communicate these as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Clare Goff